Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Farewell Franklin

As we pack up the last of our belongings
and head for sandier paths,
I just wanted to touch on a few grand points
as we bid Farewell to Franklin!
We waltzed into a town we knew no one in.
We made friends, made an impact and
tried to make a positive difference.
There were a plethora of Ch-Angels
that crossed our paths - 
I'd list them, but would not want to leave anyone out.
We loved the views and vistas,
were charmed by the critters and character,
laughed at some of the quirks,
and overcame most of the hurdles.
The rogue horse AND cow that wandered down our road,
and the cows that invaded my cabin yard earlier.
The friendly mayor that seems to be sadly selective.
The Drakes - who throw one heck of a Pumpkinfest
and decorate like nobody's business.
The mysterious silver van with yellow magnets
that everyone knows and stays very far away from.
The neighbors and co-workers and friends and faith -
it is something of true small-town, tight-knit congruity.
I will carry it with me and hope to infuse it
wherever we land.
Farewell Franklin - you've allowed us
rest, laughter, respite and love.

I might be out of blogging range for a day or two.
Please understand and know that I'll be back at it soon.

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