Monday, July 19, 2021


Saw this and loved the message:
(I altered it just a smidge - or it wouldn't be me! LOL)

"What is my purpose in life?" I asked the sky.

"What if I told you that you fulfilled it
when you took an extra hour to talk
with that kid about life?
Or when you bought that couple
their dinner at the restaurant?
Or when you saved that dog
from traffic?
Or helped that woman
with her groceries.
Or gave that compliment
to the bedraggled stranger.
Or when you tied your
father's shoes?"

He continued ...

"The issue is that you equate your purpose
with goal-based achievement.
I am not interested in your achievements ...
just your heart.
When you choose to act out of
kindness, compassion, and love,
you are already aligned with your true purpose.
No need to look any further."