Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Let's Laugh

Among many other noteworthy celebrations, today is National Let's Laugh Day!
What a fabulous day!

Beside prayer, laughter is the best medicine.
When we are faced with obstacles, hardships, sorrows, or pain . . . this family finds a way to laugh.

It is so very healthy and helpful.
Laughter relaxes your whole body.
Laughter boosts your immune system.
Laughter triggers the release of endorphins.
Laughter protects the heart.
Laughter increases vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the blood.
Laughter reduces stress and anxiety and fear.
Laughter actually increases the response of tumor- and disease-killing cells.
Laughter improves ones mood and it enhances resilience.
Laughter defends against respiratory infections.
Laughter defuses conflict.
Laughter improves alertness, creativity and memory.
It is infectious and when shared, it binds folks together.
It lightens your burdens and inspires hope.

So fix your day today . . . and laugh a little!

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