Monday, August 4, 2014

New Beginnings

With every birth, we celebrate a new beginning. A new life.
This is written for several folks that I love dearly who are in the midst of New Beginnings.

It is not just a baby that brings new life.
It is the refreshing, the cleansing, the open door that affords us the opportunity of a New Beginning.
To stand and dwell on your past,
to labor in your losses,
to fret about your misfortune,
to wallow in your pain or anger
brings you no closer to the beauty and blessings that stand before you.
Believe in faith that you are right where you are meant to be.
You are leaving whatever it might be behind you for a reason.
Never let a toxic past infect your future.
We each contain within us a fire,
a fuel,
a fortitude.
We each carry forth a mission,
not only for ourselves, but to assist and benefit others.
To bring peace and hope and love and trust and guidance.
Your path is an instrument for someone else's journey.
Embrace your New Beginning.
It is a gift!
Love you!

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