Thursday, August 28, 2014


I subscribe to all kinds of fitness and strength posts and emails.
I gain all sorts of insight into what exercise works which parts best and what works best for me.
But the strength I am referring to today, has nothing to do with any muscle but your heart!

Some folks I know are laying family members to rest.
Some folks I know are helping family members get ready for that next step.
Some folks I know are going through treatment for horrible diseases.
Some folks I know are fighting like crazy for their children and the issues they are facing.
Some folks I know are fighting addictions.
Some folks I know are working through self doubt.
Some folks I know are seeking new avenues to better themselves.
Some folks I know are trying relentlessly to improve their lives.
Some folks I know are overcoming obstacles no one should face.
Some folks I know are simply trying to survive.
Some folks I know are accepting new challenges.
Some folks I know are unwilling to allow hurtful people to hurt them any more.
Some folks I know are victorious in simply getting through the day.

The strength that allows all that is found within one's heart.
I believe it is faith.
Whether faith in a religion,
faith in one's self,
faith in nothing but sheer determination.
It is faith.
Faith imparts a strength that cannot be denied.
Faith allows a strength that cannot be quelled.
Faith gives way to a strength that can achieve absolutely any thing!

Today, I wish you faith and strength!

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