Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Thank You - Part 2

This house has helped to raise my beautiful babies.
It has welcomed friends and supporters and family and critters.
It has enveloped us against ailments and problems and liars and cheats.
It has endured bouts of sarcasm and fits of laughter.
It has always been full of love.

For those of you who have graced my life, I appreciate you.
This is not goodbye. It is simply another place for you to visit.
My tears flow freely, but that is because my heart is so full.
Full of thanks.
Full of memories.
Full of contentment.
Full of love.
Your support and encouragement has sustained me and then some.
Thank you!

Now, to my babies . . .
Deanna ~ the world is your oyster. Shuck away!
You are bold and brilliant and beautiful and bullheaded.
An extraordinary soul with a heart full of goodness and love.
Your talents are many and your gifts are even greater.
Don't be timid. Don't be diminished. Don't be belittled.
You, my dear princess, can do whatever you want.

Miles ~ we are pals. We are buddies.  :-)
We've travelled many rough and bumpy roads,
but we've always managed to be goofy along the way.
Believe in yourself. Believe in your talents. Believe in your gifts.
You are driven, determined, dedicated, and dynamic.
You are worthy of unfailing, unflinching love. Grab it and go.
Don't ever let any other person decide your value. You're extraordinary.
Follow whatever dreams, passions, breweries, and foods your little heart desires.

Thanks, Florida, for your hospitality. It is time for new adventures!
My love to you all.