Tuesday, January 30, 2018


In light of the upcoming Superbowl
and in eager anticipation of the Olympics,
competition is the topic today.

I've been a sportsman since forever.
Gymnastics, Tennis, Golf, Track, Football, Bodybuilding, Basketball,
Racquetball, Swimming, Boxing, Martial Arts, Baseball and more.
It is the friendly, albeit sometimes aggressive,
challenge that spurs one on to become better.
I chose many sports where the competition began with being a better me
to assist in a broader team scope.
I love me a grand give and take, a sparring of the mind and body.
Competition is a great tool to motivate
and to create a better athlete.

There is no room for that same competition
in religion, beliefs, choices, and compassions.
You aren't better than me.
I am not better than you.
Let us leave the fighting in the octagon or perhaps in the ring.
We've got to come together; fight as one collective unit;
to be victorious over so many atrocities.
Combine the efforts. Work in unison.
This competition is not between us!

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