Wednesday, October 9, 2019


As a volunteer with a terrible problem saying 'no,'
it is only fitting that I'm surrounded by people
who 'suffer' from the same affliction.
I am not bashing volunteering.
Every single human being should offer
their time, talents, funds, and attention
if they have even a brief few fleeting moments.
It is enriching and humbling and rewarding and grounding.

But ...

You need to also take care of your self.
If you are broken, you cannot fix another person.
If you are sick, you cannot take care of someone else.
If you are sad, you cannot perk someone else up.
You matter.
You are important.
You do amazing things.
Take care of you so you can continue to do those wonderful things.
is not to be thrown to the wayside til you have a minute.
Being your best self
is the grandest way to take care of everyone else.


  1. Love this. I needed this today. Thank you��

    1. So glad it did its job. Take care of your self today and every day. Thank YOU!
