Saturday, May 30, 2020

I Can

I cannot change
what has been done.
I cannot fix
what's already broken.
I cannot heal
those deep, scarring wounds.
I cannot stop
the war you face.
I can
be a better person.
I can
be a kinder human.
I can
be more accepting.
I can

Friday, May 29, 2020

From my office seat

Through the misty mountain fog
the critters begin to stir,
chippy looks to stuff his cheeks
hummingbird wings a-whir,
momma deer keeps a watchful eye
on the youngens in the field,
birdfeeders sway with overfed squirrels
blue jays swoop from perches concealed,
dainty, bold pink mandevilla blooms
turn to meet the morning light,
cardinals roost in evergreen trees
making that beautiful red more bright,
the fragrance from the jasmine plant
dances across the faintest breeze,
the fattest drops of morning dew
coaxed from the grandest trees,
chirping seems the only sound
save the bark of a dog's morning greet,
a whole beautiful universe busy at work
I observe from my office seat.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Be that person
that no matter where you go
or where you are
you always add value
to the lives of those around you.
Be that speaker
that understands that
although kind words can be
short and easy to speak,
their echoes are truly endless.
Be that adventurer
knowing that the journey
may sometimes be difficult,
but the views are amazing.
Be the wise man
that knows there is something
to be learned from everyone.
Be that soul
who acknowledges your own pain,
your own struggle, your own heartache;
and arrives each day anyway
to improve the life of someone else.
Be you.
You are extraordinary, strong,
brave and brilliant.
You have a story to tell -
Be that storyteller.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Your Diet

Are you doing Atkins?
Carb Cycling?
Something else?
As concerned as you should be
about what you feed your body,
you should be equally concerned
with what you feed your heart;
what you feed your soul;
what you feed your mind.
If something weighs too heavy,
take a break - realize your blessings.
If something seems too indulgent,
take a break - fill up on faith.
If something makes you uneasy,
take a break - fix what you can
and find a way to make a difference.
The extra rolls you may carry around your waist
are not nearly as detrimental as the added weight
you ingest within your psyche.
Your diet matters.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

On your bench

Please do not sit
on your bench
and judge those around you.
I have not stood in your shoes,
any more
than you have stood in mine.
Sadness is not a competition.
Sorrow is not a tool.
Compassion is a cloak
that should be worn
without pretense and stipulation.
Care is the jacket
whose lining is fluffed with
unconditional understanding.
The gavel you beat
does not always draw the silence you seek;
instead it slams upon the heart
of those you do not, or choose not
to hear and consider.
You do you.
I will love you and support your choice.
I'll do me.
Do what you will from on your bench.
There is really only one Judge.

Monday, May 25, 2020

At Ease

For those who served and gave their all
here are a few quotes
in your honor.

Thank you!

Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion,
but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.

America without Her Soldiers
would be like God without His Angels.

Those who enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy
forget in time that men have died to win them.

We should not mourn the men who died,
rather we should thank God such men lived.

I believe our flag is more than just cloth and ink.
It is a universally recognized symbol
that stands for liberty and freedom.
It is the history of our nation,
and it is marked by the blood of those who died
defending it.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Impress Me

Beauty doesn't impress me.
Sexy doesn't impress me.
Success doesn't impress me.
Wealth doesn't impress me.
Smart impresses me,
strength of character impresses me.
Most of all, though,
I am impressed by kindness.
Kindness, I think,
comes from learning hard lessons well,
from falling and picking yourself up.
It comes
from surviving failure and loss.
It implies an understanding
of the human condition,
forgives its many flaws and quirks.
When I see that in someone else,
that impresses me.

(Mostly taken from L. Unger -
but of course, mangled like I do)

Friday, May 22, 2020


There is power
in a great many things.
Some,  you wouldn't think.


You do not need
to join in every circus,
every argument,
every debate or discussion,
every chaotic calamity.

There is amazing power
in walking away instead of arguing,
excusing yourself instead of joining the mayhem,
muteness in the madness.

It does not mean you do not care,
or that you are not passionate about the issue.
It simply means that you are comfortable
in your own opinions about it.

Express your Power.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

You-niquely You

At the bottom,
every man knows well enough
that he is a unique being,
only once upon this earth;
and by no extraordinary chance
will such a marvelously
picturesque piece of diversity in unity
as he is,
ever be put together
a second time.

~ F. Nietzsche

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

I got a D

Now, normally, I pride myself
on studying, learning, retaining
and getting good grades.
It worked for a good many years.
But, when I was 24,
as well read as I could be,
informed as I might try,
I got a D.
It was on this day, many years ago,
that our Deanna Sarene was born;
Our "D"!
It might appear as a 'failing grade' to some,
but she is one of the most perfect things
we ever created.
Full of life and spunk and spark and vitality and joy;
always looking for adventure and laughter and love;
dancing and singing, acting and playing,
learning and living, passionate and giving.
What a gift you are - and continue to be.
For those of you lucky enough to know her,
you're welcome.
For those of you blessed by her talents,
you're welcome.
For those of you graced with her goodness,
you're welcome.
But Deanna, for all that you are and will always be,
Thank You!
I'll take this 'D' any day!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A little grace

Absolutely love this:

God loves us
in the spaces
where we cannot possibly
love or accept ourselves;
is the beauty
and miracle
of grace.

Monday, May 18, 2020


I am only one;
but still
I am one.
I cannot do everything;
but still
I can do something.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Just a snippet of MB Ray's quote
and then I switched that up too.
But so poignant ...

We only have this moment ...
sparkling like a star,
melting like a snow flake.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Saw this quote and loved it.
It also made me think of another.
Seems like good fodder for the days we're in;

Nobody trips over mountains.
It is the small pebble
that causes you to stumble.
Pass all the pebbles in your path,
and you will find
that you have crossed the mountain.
And remember ...
You cannot stumble on your knees.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

D Day

No, no. Not that one.
It's National Decency Day!
(I apologize to the Veterans.)

Imagine ...
just close your eyes ...
and think about
what it would be like,
if even just for today,
everyone was decent.
Defined as:
behavior that conforms
to accepted standards of
morality and respectability.
Just. For. One. Day?!

How 'bout we give it a shot?
Maybe we can start a movement ...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mish Mash

I'm taking a liberty or two,
with several quotes or posts,
and squashing and squeezing them
into one far-reaching, omni-encompassing verbal hug
to whomever might need it:

The words you speak,
become the house you live in.
I am learning to trust the journey,
even when I don't know where it leads;
because every situation is temporary.
When life is good,
bask, enjoy and receive it fully.
And when life is not so good,
filter the lesson and move on.
Learn to love the sound of your feet
walking away from things
that do not benefit you, bless you
or are not meant for you.
Always better received is a bit of your heart
rather than a piece of your mind.
Do not get upset with bad situations
or people who do not value your worth.
The easiest way to render them powerless
is to take away their only fuel;
your attention.
And finally, sometimes, being isolated
is an extraordinary time of growth -
just ask the butterfly!

Monday, May 11, 2020


Hold precious
dinner dates with spouses;
laughter with loved ones;
baby giggles;
first steps, first words, first dates;
conversations with parents;
real, true friends;
moments that become memories;
love as it buds;
bonds as they deepen;
faith in Our Father;
belief in kindness;
strength in compassion;
honesty and integrity;
time with those you cherish;

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Thanks, Mom!

Mother's Day is tomorrow.
Tis a grand day to celebrate
the individual who brought you into this world.
Tis a grand day to celebrate
the opportunity to become one who does so.
Tis a grand day to celebrate
the chance to step into that role,
to guide, tutor, mentor and support a young soul.
Each holds extraordinary highs and lows,
jubilation and disappointment,
joy and sorrow.
Each task is a gift, a blessing, a piece of Heaven
brought to Earth to be enjoyed for a brief bit.
So do just that.
Enjoy it.
Enjoy Every Second.
No matter what phase you're in,
what title you own,
what distance there is.
Now is the time to celebrate
all of the laughter, the tears,
the boundaries and stretching of them,
the supported passions
and mending of broken hearts,
the expectations and revelations,
the grounding of feet
and the cheers for the soaring.
It is an ebb and flow through the years.
And so, to all those in that maternal position,
although it will never be enough -
it is all we long to hear ...
"Thanks, Mom!"

Friday, May 8, 2020

Here for you

When we focus
on uplifting others,
on supporting others,
on kindness to others,
on caring for others,
on loving others,
we lose sight of
and tend to stop dwelling
on our own woes.
Today ...
do the former
to squelch the latter.
Here for you.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Today is a National Day of Prayer.
Pray for our families.
Pray for our friends.
Pray for our health.
Pray for our welfare.
Pray for each other.
Pray for our leaders.
Pray for our 'essentials' -
one and all!
Pray for our children.
Pray for our seniors.
Pray for our preachers.
Pray for our freedom.
Pray to our Father
ceaselessly and with thanks
for what we do have.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Perfect Penn Penning

Thank you William
for this beauty:

I expect to 
pass through life but once.
If therefore,
there be any kindness
I can show,
or any good thing
I can do
to any fellow being,
let me do it now,
and not defer or neglect it,
as I shall not
pass this way again.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


this should be shared,
especially in today's climate.
I did not write it,
but I totally concur.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have
into enough and more.
It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos to order,
confusion to clarity.
It can turn
a meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend.

Monday, May 4, 2020

You never know

What you do matters.
How you behave matters.
What you say matters.
Your actions matter.
Your kindness matters
Your generosity matters.
Your support matters.
Your friendship matters.
Your love matters.
Your existence matters.
You matter.
Live beautifully.
Live gracefully.
Live kindly.
You never know
who you'll inspire.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Join Hands

Today is National Join Hands Day.
To me,
that conjures up images of,
maybe not literally holding hands
(because we're not allowed),
of helping
of supporting
of healing
of sharing
of kindness
of hope
of strength -
that your hand is out there,
awaiting an opportunity
to do the right thing
without thought
of gain,
of opinion,
of difference,
of party,
of applause.
You're simply reaching into the emptiness
looking to connect
and to make something … anything

Friday, May 1, 2020


Smile tho' your heart is aching
Smile even tho' it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky,
you'll get by

If you smile thro' your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining thro',
for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide ev'ry trace of sadness
Altho' a tear may be ever so near

That's the time
you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying
You'll find that life is still worthwhile

If you just smile