Saturday, May 9, 2020

Thanks, Mom!

Mother's Day is tomorrow.
Tis a grand day to celebrate
the individual who brought you into this world.
Tis a grand day to celebrate
the opportunity to become one who does so.
Tis a grand day to celebrate
the chance to step into that role,
to guide, tutor, mentor and support a young soul.
Each holds extraordinary highs and lows,
jubilation and disappointment,
joy and sorrow.
Each task is a gift, a blessing, a piece of Heaven
brought to Earth to be enjoyed for a brief bit.
So do just that.
Enjoy it.
Enjoy Every Second.
No matter what phase you're in,
what title you own,
what distance there is.
Now is the time to celebrate
all of the laughter, the tears,
the boundaries and stretching of them,
the supported passions
and mending of broken hearts,
the expectations and revelations,
the grounding of feet
and the cheers for the soaring.
It is an ebb and flow through the years.
And so, to all those in that maternal position,
although it will never be enough -
it is all we long to hear ...
"Thanks, Mom!"

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