Wednesday, June 17, 2020

An outstretched hand

(a Lyn Marinello original)

A single raised and fisted hand
whose current use is race oppression
hundreds of years of being debased
daily angst and fear and suppression;
or could it be used to represent
and their lack of complete acceptance
validity in the day to day;
perhaps for all of the females
who are beaten and battered and raped
overtly aware of mundane surroundings,
what they wear, how their hair may be draped;
maybe it's for the children
abused, neglected, exchanged
bandied about like yesterday's trash
by predators clearly deranged;
perchance it's for the babies
aborted for birth control
literally ripped apart while alive
a human unworthy of being whole.
All these rights worth fighting for
are tragic in their own clear way,
a single raised and fisted hand
sure has a lot to say.
But perhaps there is another choice
that conjures a whole other realm
an option that allows for positive change
to be squarely at the helm;
an image of hope and care, concern
an unconditional display of love
the proverbial and much cliched
olive branch held beneath the dove;
a symbol of hoping and helping
of support, of kindness and trust
that elusive dream of inclusion
that things can be equal and just;
instead of inciting division
demanding instant change to make things right
let's bring to the table some chatter
discussion and plans that might end the plight.

Instead of the raised fist of power
let us come to truly understand
there's so much more that you can do
with the promise of an outstretched hand.

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