Saturday, June 5, 2021

Your Wondrous Light Within

So I learned a couple things yesterday.
I sat down at my computer and words fell out of my fingers.
Initially, I was a little angry ta a person or two about varying nonsense.
As the words continued, I realized that ...
1. it was all nonsense and 2. I cannot help but always head toward the positive.
It's what I am. It's who I am. I will take the gift given and share when able. Enjoy:

Your Wondrous Light Within
by Lyn Marinello

Some folks just put all their worth
In letters that follow their name
If they've stood within the spotlight
That beams on those of fame
They spend what seems a lifetime
Gathering wealth at any cost
No matter who they might betray
Or what relationships are lost
There's just a laser focus
On gaining riches beyond need
Plain and simple mirror-ism
Self-aggrandized greed
Now there's something to be said
For working very hard
Setting goals and reaching them
Allotting time for lowered guard
Being educated is a good thing, too
But there are many ways to learn
Some do best to lucubrate
While others more wildly yearn
Some learn best hands on
Others need to experience the task
Some need to make the mistake
Others simply need to ask
Fame is not penultimate
Wealth does not make you free
You have, within your unique self,
An amazing quality
It is written in your DNA
Embedded in your soul
It's the very reason God made you
Your mere existence makes you whole
You're someone very special
You've been created in great detail
Given strength to learn and grow
Each and every time you fail
For deep within each failure
Is a lesson on which you'll climb
As you figure out your purpose
And how best to spend your time
There's much to gather while we're here
To accept the fact we're all akin
Embrace the beauty of each other
And your wondrous light within



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