Saturday, December 28, 2013

Be Better

As of late, it seems I have a large group of friends, from various facets of my life who are being bombarded with bullies and bs. Having waded through so much of this in my lifetime, I feel fairly and adequately enabled to expound upon this situation.

There are several very important things to take note of:

For the bullies:

1. The way you treat people says a lot about who you are.
2. Be careful. Your actions are screaming over your words.
3. If you cannot be positive, then at least be quiet.
4. Never judge someone by the opinion of another.

For my friends:

1. Surrender to what is.
2. Let go of what was.
3. Have faith in what will be.
4. Never judge someone by the opinion of another.
6. Strong people don't put other down . . . they lift them up.
7. The most important decision you can make is to be in a good mood.

You cannot change another person - only the situation you are in with them.
If the situation is ugly - remove yourself.
If the actions of others is hurtful - disregard them. They are only looking to interact.
If you don't invite or incite, the bullies will lose interest.

Be Better.

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