Tuesday, December 17, 2013


It has come to my attention, a lot as of late, that integrity is an outstanding tool.
It measures the level of folks you associate with.
It creates an arena in which your fellow players either rise to the occasion or fall away as unworthy opponents.
It defines who you are.

I am me.
I am flawed.
I am broken.
I am what I am.
But I won't ever pretend to be something I'm not.

I will stick to my guns, as they say, both figuratively and literally.
I will continue to do what I've always done because changing to please someone else, pleases no one.
I will honor the lessons my mother taught me.
I will be the same person I've always been and, like it or not, that won't change.

People amuse me with their tantrums and unfriending me.
People, we are adults. (At least most of us!)
If your opinion differs from mine ~ that's fantastic!
I welcome a good discussion and enjoy listening to alternate viewpoints.
I may still disagree with you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to 'unfriend' you.
That choice is yours - but what does it say about your integrity?

Folks - we are each created in a specific and unique manner.
We have each travelled our own exceptional and distinctive path, learning personal and extraordinary lessons along the way. This journey has carved out the most amazing person that you have become. Don't allow someone else to make you any less than you are.

Stand firm in your convictions.
Stand firm in your beliefs.
Stand firm in the knowledge that what YOU believe is right for YOU.
Those that walk away, fall away, or 'unfriend' you (whether on a computer or in 'real' life) were never intended to be any more than another stepping stone for you in your journey!

Your integrity is so vital to your existence.
Shine it up.
Wear it proudly!

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