Thursday, December 19, 2013


You know that 'small voice' that everyone talks about that you should listen to?
Well, it has been screaming at me for the past three or four days.
I always pray that God gives me something to write about each day. That He will put something in front of me that inspires me to rant, or inspire, or help someone else.

I had a dear friend very humbly come to me and ask for help for the holidays.
She had never had to do something like this before and it was very difficult for her.
Of course, I took on the task.
I put out the word to the folks that I know.
The response I got completely overwhelmed me.
I have no idea how my dear friend will comprehend what I'm going to give to her in the next day or two.
I've had a few donors who were blessed with a good year. They paid it forward.
One of the gracious donors popped by last night and donated.
He is not wealthy. He is not well off.
He simply trusts that his windfalls should benefit others, as he has benefitted from the kindness of others in the past.

My friend trusted me.
I trusted my friends.
My friends trusted in what they have already received.
Others trusted in what they were certain would be provided.
I must admit that I have been in tears for the past few days with the outpouring of kindness.
It has truly and profoundly touched my heart.

I trust that all those involved
will revel in the notion that their good deed will provide more good deeds.


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