Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Special You

I tell you all the time
how very special, unique and amazing you are.
I impress upon you how important and vital you are.
Although you might think I'm speaking directly to YOU,
I'm referring to mankind.
We each have within us such incredible talents to share,
beliefs to profess,
opportunities to pursue,
and beauty to display.
Each one of us holds a thread in this tapestry called life.
When one thread breaks or is lost,
there is an emptiness - an unfinished story.
Let's try to remember we know not of another's struggles.
Let's try to remember that precious golden rule.
Let's try to remember that we should respect one another.
Let's try to remember that we should be kind.
Let's try to remember that every life is precious.
Every story needs to be told.
Be Special You!

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