Friday, January 9, 2015

For You . . .

So a dear friend, who I have known for many decades,
posted something yesterday basically about
never being able to be happy because of what life has handed her.

I beg to differ!

Not only is this person incredibly talented and tenacious,
she's smart and beautiful and bold and daring.
Life is not about the trials we navigate through.
It is entirely about how you choose to wade through them,
what you learn from them,
and how you move forward after them.
Every now and again it is ok to feel a little downtrodden.
Then, shake it off, and get on with the miracle that is life.
Remember that there are always folks that are worse off than you.
You are never alone in your heartache and your efforts.
You are full of the ability to overcome any obstacle in front of you.

I speak to you from experience.
I speak to you as your cheerleader.
I speak to you as your friend.

You are amazing!

And this is NOT just for her . . . it is for all of us.

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