Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Good Stuff

There are things that have irritated me the last few days.
Sometimes, I want to just rant.
Sometimes, I want to just yell and scream.
Sometimes, I'd like to shake someone 'til they get it.
Sometimes, I'd like to just throat punch someone.

But . . .

That sort of activity gets you no where . . . and quickly.
The negative, domineering, belittling approach
doesn't do any one any good.
It makes you look foolish and arrogant and stupid.

So . . . instead . . .

I will do what I always do and focus on the Good Stuff.

The sunshine, the ocean, the waves,
the fresh air, working up a sweat, laughing,
enjoying a good game of anything, memories,
sitting next to someone I love, holding hands, singing,
writing, reading, playing, talking to a dear friend,
finding beauty in what surrounds me, music, great food,
stories, dancing, the smell of fresh cut grass, tall trees,
creatures big and small, family, and blessings.

and more . . .

Today . . . I wish you Good Stuff!

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