Thursday, August 4, 2016

Li'l Sweet

No, silly person, I'm not talking about the diet Dr. Pepper mascot.
I'm talking about those tiny things that people do
that truly touch your heart.
Doesn't need to be a bucket o' money,
or a new car,
or fancy jewelry.

Sometimes, to round a corner and hear someone talking nicely about you,
without provocation, want of reciprocation, or reward
just makes your heart sing.
Sometimes to get a text that says
"All will work out because you're good people."
makes the whole day better.
Sometimes just a wee phone call faux yelling at you because you're moving
just wraps you up in warmth and love.

Today, go out there and do a Li'l Sweet.
Don't complain.
Don't gossip.
Don't condemn.
Do a Li'l Sweet and see what comes back at you!

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