Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Simple Empty Stocking

A Simple Empty Stocking
by Lyn Marinello

An eight foot balsam fir draped in lights of every hue
Glittering gold ornaments and ribbons of royal blue
Presents wrapped all shiny with fancy, pretty bows
There's a crackling of oak logs as the cozy fire glows
Garland frames the doorways, smell that snickerdoodle laden air
There is Christmas music playing as we scurry to prepare
The Reason for the season holds center stage in nativities
There's a joyous celebration in all activities
Yet by miles between us or Heavenly reservation
There's an underlying ache; a sad and timid trepidation
For upon that walnut mantel, hung with the utmost tender care
Is a simple empty stocking for someone who's no longer there
Their presence fills the void but not in a tangible sort of way
The gift of time we shared to be unwrapped when in dismay
Talk about them freely; of the zest for life they shared
Impart a little of their wisdom; about the things of which they cared
Carry on traditions. Hold dear the things they cherished
They still very much surround you, though their earthly vessel's perished
Gather while you're able. Take comfort in the flocking
There's a peace; a calm serenity in that simple empty stocking.


  1. So beautiful! You really spoke from your heart, as always but this one hit home for me. It's so very true that we think our our loved ones around the holidays!🌲☃️ Thank you!😍🥰

    1. This is absolutely from the heart. And holidays do bring the emotions. Thanks for reading.
