Monday, November 1, 2021


As promised, I am back and brought with me
the words that were rolling around in the old noggin'.
This is written for myself, my brand new moms, my mom
and a bazillion other people who will 'get it'.
I hope you enjoy. Please let me know.

by Lyn Marinello

As you age you understand just a smidge of your parents' woes
The worries that they battled as each precious child grows
Work hard for what you want and play when you are able
Say your prayers before bed each night and keep your elbows off the table
Always say, "Please" and "Thank you"; treat strangers as though new friends
Apologize when you've made mistakes; always try to make amends
Eat up all your meat and veggies. Don't be afraid to enjoy dessert
Don't be afraid to speak your mind, but be mindful that words can hurt
These are simple tasks of parenting, though none of them are easy
Parenting's not for the faint of heart or for those who are quickly queasy
As children grow you navigate on terribly thin ice
You hope the foundation that you've laid is solid enough to suffice
You must build up a little ego, but not to boisterous extreme
Raise a considerate, caring human with a bullet-proof self-esteem
You have to teach respect but debating tools as well
Obey the laws before you, but when wronged you fight like hell
You tilled the earth they walk on. Set down roots to keep them grounded
Redirected when they veered off course; offered guidance when confounded
You padded the nest they laid in; provided a haven of safety and rest
Imparted the passion to chase their dreams and the stamina to face said quest
You urged them in jumping from that nest, assured you'd catch them or they'd fly
You gave them strong and mighty wings with which to soar on high
When they're little you protect them, but a broken heart is hard to mend
So you sit and cry and listen, so they know you comprehend
You hug them back together; absorb all the pain and tears
Stand beside them undeterred as they battle down their fears
You celebrate the victories and coach them through defeat
You let them fall; the lesson learned, though the education's bittersweet
You've got to let them go and make errors all on their own
You pray they will take solace in the most basic seeds you've sown
You can't hold their hands forever, but hearts are eternally connected
The only true rule in parenting is that absolutely anything's expected
Without manuals or directions we all take on this blessed task
With nothing but each other to answer all the questions that we ask
Those apron strings must be untied, though the bond is never-ending
Parenting; that thankless, unpaid job is worth all the effort you're expending.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Every part of this is so true.💕💕💕💕💕
