Thursday, November 18, 2021

Sitting at Life's Table

These words woke me at 4:30 am and tumbled out -
like me from bed.

Sitting at Life's Table
by Lyn Marinello

Everyone is welcome
To life and its bountiful feast
From the great and very powerful
To the newborn, life at its least
The tables are not set the same
Some mahogany, some just a mere lap
Some drink days old beverages
Some sip the finest stuff on tap
Fine china graces tabletops
Others dine on paper
Some are warmed by steel drum fires
Some watch dancing flames on tapers
Silver spoons among the table wear
For others, plastic is a treat
Some might search through dumpsters
While other's repasts are replete
Some are clad in second hand
Some in fancy red carpet attire
Some soothe the air with classical
Other's serenaded by nature's choir
Some dine atop fine linens
Others on a thin plastic sheet
Some surrounded by familial chatter
Some by the harsh sounds of the street
Some bellies will be overstuffed
Some will ache for just one bite
Some retire to aperitifs
And some just fade into the night ...
But, lo, there is a table
Whose guest list is inclusive
Of every single person
Reservations un-elusive
Breaking bread is custom
Everyone shares the fare
It's a coming together of palate and peace
It begins and ends with prayer
Our Father serves the meal
A hearty menu on which to thrive
Nourishing both the body and soul
A promise to lift and revive
No matter your earthly stature
There's a chair etched with your name
We're all welcome at His supper
Individuals; all the same
Dining in His presence
Is a choice for each to make
The invitation is eternal
And eternity's at stake
We clasp hands at His table
Conjoined with higher cause
Brothers and sisters unified
With the opportunity to pause
We are one; we're equal
Each uniquely able
To dine together peacefully
Sitting at Life's Table.