Sunday, July 31, 2011

Enjoy the Trip

Life, as we all have heard, is not about the destination; it's about the journey.

If you actually ponder that statement, it could make a world of difference for you. Envision enjoying waking up each day, thrilled with the prospect of another sunrise, a beautiful drive to a job, chatting with co-workers, meeting new people, learning new talents, a delicious dinner, followed by an incredible sunset and then a peaceful night of unwinding before thankful prayers and sleep. How many of us can say that's how we proceed through each day?

Imagine if you did!

Far too often we get caught up in the tedium, the minutia, the seemingly insurmountable mountain of absurdity that we choose to acknowledge each day. Just consider the difference it would make if we chose to leave the things we cannot alter or amend in a heap by the bedside with our pajamas each morning. Free yourself from the what-if's, the maybe's, the might-be's. Focus on the I can's, I will's,  and the WOW! That was really fun's.

Today, I will begin by writing myself into a smile, followed by a good workout, and then perhaps a new pair of sneakers to lighten my step. I hope, for you, a day of new, fresh, and exhilarating moments.

Choose to enjoy the trip!

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