Monday, July 25, 2011

In The Quiet

In the quiet of the morning, there is a serenity to the chirping birds. The hint of a new beginning; a new day. The sun softly reminds us that new adventures await and there is much to be done.

Yesterday, after a roaring boat ride to the Dunedin Reef, we anchored to fish. In the quiet of the rolling waves, there was a peace and serenity that comes with simply communing with nature. Enough quite to hear the rise and splash of a rather large orange sea turtle. To don those polarized shades and watch an entire school of fish swiftly flit about beneath the boat as one entity. Such incredible beauty in the quiet.

To come home, all fried and crispy, and slip into a very inviting pool . . . ahhhhh! You can almost see the steam rise from your body and just about hear the sizzle. And then to simply float in that serenity. Such sweet calm . . . in the quiet.

To feed the masses and have the house full of chatter and laughter; intruding upon that quiet and yet, filling the air with such delicious strains of happiness. It just makes my heart sing.

And again, at day's end, the edge of night threatening to slip its cloak upon us once again; the quiet seeps in and takes holds. It is not heavy. It is not scary. It is embraced and enjoyed as it envelopes us and delivers us to yet another new day!

Enjoy your quiet!

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