Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I find, most often, that when I get a little overly stressed, the best thing to do is to stop looking SO very hard at my problems and try to help someone else with theirs.

To reach beyond our own dilemmas and offer assistance to someone else, for whatever reason and in whatever manner, puts our issues in perspective. Paying for the few groceries of the person behind you at the grocery store, giving a few dollars toward the next car at the drive through, helping a neighbor with a project, or simply letting a stranger rant and rave of their troubles. When we give up trying to fix our issues and focus on helping someone else out with theirs, we tend to find the strength to help ourselves. Sometimes, when you're truly blessed, it is that stranger that offers you EXACTLY what YOU need to get through your troubles!

Many hands make light work and a giving heart produces many blessings!

Today, I wish you peace and strength, and the openness to look beyond yourself! There, you may find more of yourself than you ever imagined!

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