Thursday, July 21, 2011

Give It Up and K.I.S.S.

Far too often, we spend our time trying to manipulate everything from where we work, to people's responses, to traffic, to life in general. When we have exhausted our energies; it might help to realize that the ONLY person we have ANY control over, is ourselves! You cannot create behaviors, beliefs, bonds, or beauty in other people. I believe that if you exude the things you'd like to see in others, you gravitate toward those types of folks. It's not so much a control thing, as it is a grouping of like-minded individuals. "Garbage In, Garbage Out!" That's what my step-dad used to say; probably one of his better quips!

You can yell, scream, gesture and raise your blood pressure during rush-hour traffic; but does it really help you get to work any faster? You can huff, puff, and roll your eyes at the little old lady using fifty coupons and writing a check in front of you at the grocery store. Does it help you check out any sooner? You can be the sweetest person ever, but there will that one person who thinks ill of your actions. How can you change their thinking? You can't! You merely decide another tactic or walk away. The world is full of things we'll never understand or grasp.

God is in control. Our actions and thoughts are our own. Bad thoughts beget bad actions beget bad responses. In kind, good thoughs; good actions; good responses. You can take the worst situation and put a good spin on it. My mom's death brought my world to a screeching halt. Now I know she is ALWAYS with me, instead of a phone call away. My son had a life-threatening illness, but we turned it into an opportunity to help other people with issues. Give up the control issues and look for positive ways to improve yourself! Improving yourself leads to meeting better, more positive people, leads to a better, more positive life.

And, a very good friends from my kids' elementary school used to go nuts when someone brought her daisies. Other people want roses, lilies, or exotics. Not Linda! The wilder; the better. When asked about her fascination with daisies; she'd simply state "They are just so simple." When we complicate our lives, our thoughts, our actions . . . we do EXACTLY that . . . we complicate things. When you can learn to marvel at the plethora of blessings in every day; every day is exciting! Each new day is a day your are thankful to explore new blessings. I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon at the beach this week with my daughter and my nephew. In Florida, dolphin sightings are kinda like seeing squirrels in New York. But, on our quiet little alcove, on a brilliant Florida afternoon, in our quietness, we were blessed with no less than three manatees less than thirty feet from shore. We watched them for nearly an hour. Sea Cows are not real graceful, but to have that privilege was a beautiful moment etched in all our memories. THAT is the essence of life:  beautiful moments!

Give up trying to control everything around you. Control yourself; your actions; your thoughts; and Keep It Simple Stupid! Some of the best advice I have ever knows!


  1. wow..another great post! This rang so true with me...I only wish I could remember it everyday but when trying to make others happy is a part of who you are, it is hard to change even when you know you should....

  2. This post elicits a number of thoughts, one of which is todays conversation. I wrestled for a very long time with other peoples actions and how little I could do to change them. Eventually,i tired of beating myself up about it and focused on the people in my life that didn't give me angina. Easier said than done, at times, but well worth the effort.
