Thursday, October 17, 2013


I am definitely one who looks on the positive side of things as often as possible.
No matter the situation, no matter the calamity, no matter how dire . . .
there is a silver lining somewhere.
I spent my younger days having my heart broken.
I did not have many boyfriends - precisely TWO!
One I dated for about three years and the other for about two and a half.
I am an all or nothing sort and they decided to take all and leave nothing.
I harbor no ill will.
With each step backward, I gained the strength to take ten to fifteen forward.
Pain, and the overcoming of it, make us stronger, more durable, more resilient and better people.

Twenty-four years ago today, there was a horrible earthquake in San Francisco.
It was devastating.
It was the earth realizing that it could no longer keep me down.
It was the day my Victor asked me to marry him.
Such a revelation that the world shook!

Of course, I am joking.
But in the midst of a terrible tragedy, I became engaged to the most amazing gentleman I know.
He is my best friend, my play mate, my rock, my life.

Maybe . . . just maybe, it was all the earth trembling and falling, finally, into place!

Find the positives!

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