Friday, October 11, 2013


I don't think there's a human being out there who hasn't wished, at some point, that they were a little less heavy; a little more muscular; had a better haircut; had a better smile; could have a super-stylish outfit; have a little more bling; could wear the most fashionable stilettos; could date some hunky movie star; or something along those lines.

We wish, on occasion, we could be as thin as Susie; or as shapely as Debbie; or a number of other things and we seem to knock ourselves down the peg board of humanity just a little.

This needs to stop!

What you don't realize is that there is someone out there who is wishing they could be more like YOU!

YOU are exactly who you are meant to be. YOU exist for a reason and a purpose and a value and a mission. It may be to effect just one little life. It may be to effect millions. But YOU are here to make a difference and YOU are brilliant just the way you are!

Embrace your wonderful self!
The world needs YOU!
Go be YOU!

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