Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Love you!

I am not sure about who this Agnes person is but . . . WOW!

It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.
~ Agnes Repplier

You are, quite literally, what you eat. Garbage in . . . garbage out. Surround yourself with negative people and you will find yourself in a very negative world. Listen to the naysayers and the haters and you will find yourself consumed with doubt and ill will.

However . . . fill your heart, your soul, and your life with light, positive, freedom, and wonder and that is exactly what you will reap. It is my choice to fill my circle of friends with folks who love life ~ even with all its ups and downs, trials and tribulations, defamation and defeat. These wonderful people who fill my days create an energy that lifts me up and makes my heart happy.

For those of you that think I'm a little nutty and have never had a bitter day in my life . . . think again! I have been down and out; broke; had nothing but Vienna Finger cookies for sustenance for more than three weeks; had to beg strangers for gas money; been abused, confused and bemused by the audacity and cruelty of other human beings. I continue . . . despite all of that and way, WAY more . . . to believe that those that would NEVER do those things are out there, awaiting my friendship, just itching for the opportunity to build me up to be the best that I can be. I have to make the choice, for me, to believe that I am worth it!

You cannot find security in a significant other. If you're not happy with you . . . no one else will ever fill that void! You are beautiful. You are magnificent! You are perfect . . . just the way you are!

Love you!