Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Great Debate

If I were to state on here that, "Classic rock is THE best music ever," I am pretty sure I'd get about a billion responses telling me why jazz is better, or why techno is better, or why country is better, or why classical is better, or hard rock is better, or swing is better, or doo wop is better, or . . . you get the idea. There are merits to each class of music, with great musicians in every genre. There is worth and value to each style of entertainment. There is no DEBATING which style is better or the best because it is a matter of personal preference! You cannot debate what is personal choice. There is not, nor will there ever be, a definitive answer to a question of option.

Your personal preference may be completely different from mine. I should respect that and I do. My personal preference may be completely different than yours. You should respect that.

And, what might surprise some folks is that sometimes I enjoy classic rock. Sometimes I enjoy country. Sometimes I chill to the serenity of classical music. Acapella is one of my favorites. I am smart enough and wise enough to choose which style suits my tastes at a particular time and for a particular mood. I might dare venture to say that it's healthy to mix things up every now and again. If we walked around with blinders on, life would be sort of bland.

I choose to listen to all sorts of things. I filter out the things I don't like, absorb the things I do like, and make the best of what is left. That's my prerogative.

We know I'm not really talking about music, although . . . maybe . . . I am!

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