Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Four P's

We are all aware of the 'Three R's" ~ Reading, Writing & Arithmetic (which is really and "r," a "w," and an "a"). But . . . today I'm talking about the "Four P's".

These are things I pray for for my children each and every night. I'm thinking that maybe if more people prayed for these things for their children and if God answered those prayers, the world might be just a little bit better.





I hope they realize that 'instant gratification' is NOT always the best way to receive things. In fact, when you actually EARN what you're after with grit, determination, dedication, and a little sweat . . . the ownership value rises 100 fold!

I hope they respect their elders and authority. I also hope they realize their own value and can civilly communicate the fact that they deserve that same respect. I hope they say 'please' and 'thank you' and hold doors for folks and share smiles with those without.

I hope that they are happy in their lives. Prosperity does not always mean WEALTH! I hope that their riches come by way of doing what they enjoy and having around them the people they love and cherish. I hope they have the freedom to enjoy what they work for and work for what they want.

I hope that they give what they can to those in need. Again, this is not about WEALTH! It can be time, talents, or trust. When one gives freely, what they receive in return is again magnified 100 fold.

And so . . . along with the 'Three R's' (r, w, & a) . . . let's pursue those "Four P's" (that are REALLY p's).

God bless and have a super day!

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