Monday, September 10, 2012

Swap Meet

Today is National Swap Ideas Day!

In light of this very special occasion, I thought I'd throw a few of my favorites out there. If you'd like to swap a few of yours, please feel free to share. The more, the merrier, and let's keep 'em clean and positive!

1.  This too shall pass!

2.  When nothing's going right, go left!

3.  When you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!

4.  You're never fully dressed without a smile!

5.  The strength and length of a hug speaks volumes of one's affections!

6.  Give what you are able. You cannot take it with you!

7.  Finding joy in life's simplicity makes for a joyously simple life!

8.  Laughter truly IS the best medicine!

9.  Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!

10.  Count your blessings; for they are abundant!

Put your rose-colored glasses on today and see what's truly beautiful! Enjoy!

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