Thursday, October 30, 2014

Do Nothing

With the holiday season fast approaching,
and bringing with it all its ensuing insanity,
I would urge you to please just take a moment . . .

and do nothing.

Don't fret about Christmas cards.
Don't worry about buying gifts.
Don't worry about visiting every soul you ever knew.
Don't get crazed with decorating every nook and cranny.
Don't get entangled in every vendor's mad dash for cash.
Don't run yourself so ragged that you can't remember what day it is.


Take an extra few minutes and enjoy your morning coffee.
Drive along the water on your way home and soak in its serenity.
Drive through the woods and breathe in all its beauty.
Meet a friend and enjoy, really enjoy, their company.
Listen to the birds, or the waves, or the wind, or the quiet.

Stop and do nothing.

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