Thursday, July 25, 2013


Management is a task. It is NOT a 'title'.

I have been in management and a 'lowly' employee. As a manager, you are only as good as your worst employee. That means you had best assist that 'worst' employee to be a better employee. You do NOT accomplish this by belittlement or degradation. You do not do this by being their buddy and pal. You set consistent and achievable goals, commend the good actions, privately coach through the bad actions, and celebrate the victories.

It is so sad to see excellent employees dismantled by poor management. Someone's real potential is trivialized by the idiocy of a self-righteous manager. Not only are you losing an asset of an employee, but you are chipping away at their psyche. All this, for nothing more that the horribly short-lived power trip the manager may be on.

When will folks realize that each person is vital to the success of every task? A really good manager finds the strengths of his/her employees and motivates them to use those strengths to assist the weaker employees to become better employees and create a more successful and profitable work environment. Everyone benefits!

Is this really too difficult to comprehend?

Kudos to all you 'lowly' peons. There is strength in numbers. Be strong and know you matter!

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