Friday, July 19, 2013

The love inside

Each day, I begin my morning at my computer. One hand patting my dog on his gray-haired little head and the other skimming through emails, Facebook, and a few select games. I am surrounded by photos of family. My mom, Julia, my brothers, my family and the entire room is bordered by alternating photos of my two beautiful children.

I feel lucky and blessed to be in the company of all these people - if only in photographs. I know I am loved and cared about. I do not know if my photo is within their reach, but I know I exist in their hearts. That is what matters.

Family is not always about a tangible hug. Sometimes, and far more integral, is the simple knowledge that I might flit through their mind during the day and evoke a smile, a good memory, or a happy heart, . . . as they do to me.

We all get wrapped up in our own little world. We all have our own little troubles and tribulations and obstacles to jump. But just for a moment today, stop!

Close your eyes and think about someone who means the world to you. Whether they are still with us or have moved on to better things, just hold them in your mind's eye for just a moment. Fill yourself with their goodness and their warmth and their special love.

Now, open your eyes and realize you are lighter, happier, a little more energized than you were before.

Keep the love inside you - always!

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