Friday, September 27, 2013

A Happy Heart

The world is full of tumultuous and trying times. There is much sadness and loneliness and bitterness and dismay. There is hurt and there is pain and there is envy and there is ignorance. There is betrayal and there are lies and there is selfishness and hatred. There is bullying and fighting and disease and filth.

But . . .

There is also joy!
Without the rain, there'd be no rainbow.
Without the hardships, there'd be no appreciation for the overcoming of them.
Without the trial, there'd be no victory.

If you knew the journey I've been on, you'd wonder how I ever got out of my teens.
Yet, I am no different than any other person out there.
The only separation between myself and the whiner, the crier, the mopey, the dopey, the angry individual; is that I have chosen to have a happy heart.

I know there are better times.
I believe the sun will shine tomorrow.
I have faith in miracles and new beginnings.
I walk, upright, knowing that I have a purpose and a value.
I have a happy heart!

I hope yours is happy too!

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