Saturday, September 7, 2013

Use It

Being involved with a children's hospital, I know a tremendous amount of folks with children who have been injured, sick, or have serious chronic illnesses. It could be a sad thing, and it certainly drains a tremendous amount of emotional energy from me, but . . . I choose NOT to let it define or beat me.

When my kids were sick, we faced the trials and tribulations with laughter and sarcasm. Of course we cried and yelled and screamed, too. I wrote a couple of children's books to try to expand the brains and conversations of those who might not understand. We did a whole lot of fundraising to raise money and awareness of the illnesses of my kids and the illnesses of so many others. The point is, we USED IT for good.

I met a family years ago whose little girl had several auto-immune diseases rolled together. I would spend hours with mom during our kids' infusions just chatting about whatever came up. My favorite line of hers, in regard to dealing with treatment and disease was this, "We refuse to be the parents of a kid with 'such-and-such a disease'. We are a family whose child happens to be sick. We will not be defined by this illness."

Stronger, more brilliant words, have never been spoken!

Whether it is an illness, a job loss, a betrayal, a low point in your life . . . do NOT let it define you.


Allow it to make you stronger, bigger, bolder, better than the issue.
That choice is entirely up to you.

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