Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ch-Angel Dawnelle

The Good Lord sure knows how to post a billboard in front of you when you most need it, eh?

Last night, up beyond my normal bed time, I received a phone call from my beautiful daughter. It seems she has a friend - a beautiful, young soul - who would like to start a non-profit to assist the less fortunate. She is determined to help make the lives of other people better by doing whatever she can without kudos, attention, or spotlights.

Can you say "Ch-Angel"?

Not only did this sweet, unblemished, bold and brilliant young adult make a decision about going beyond herself for the sake of others, she called me to inquire about assistance. Now . . . before you get all squirrely . . . I'm not taking credit for anything more than sending an email. What makes this so moving, is that I was questioning if there were any of these sorts of folks left. I wasn't sure if any selfless folks were still up and coming. I was losing hope in goodness.

It was truly a blissful and grace-filled way to get tucked-in last night.

Thanks Deanna.
Thanks Dawnelle.
Thanks God - for the billboard!

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