Friday, April 13, 2012

Aaah Refreshing!

If any of you watch American Idol, you watched in amazement as Jessica received the lowest amount of votes and had to sing for her life last night. And she did . . . but not for long, as the judges saved her without a moment's hesitation.

Do I agree with the undaunted save? Maybe. Do I think Jessica is an incredible singer? Yup. Do I think everyone left in the competition could win it? Yup! What I am loving this year, and it is blatantly obvious with at least three of the contestants is they are, without a doubt, serious about winning the competition; but they are also serious about not altering who they are at the core.

Phillip Phillips is as true an artist as there is. He just does his thing. He absorbs criticism, and continues to put his very talented spin on whatever it is he might be singing. He was told to change his clothes and style; and appeared on stage in his regular garb and sang his face off. It's beautiful to watch someone make use of their God-given talent without bending to the whims of 'what the people want'.

Colton apparently, although I did not get a chance to read up on all the hub bub, was asked to 'tone down' his religious zeal. He ignored the show's requests and kept right on doing what he was doing. What a fabulous show of faith to walk against the current; and do what you know is right, even if it isn't popular.

And last night, although Jessica is not my favorite singer, she just might have won my heart. The judges asked her if she was surprised by being voted out. She replied, "No. I don't expect anything. I just do what I do." There was no entitlement hysteria. There was no teary-eyed plea or contempt or bitterness. She acknowledged the level of talent she stands with and was ready to follow the voting's results. It was one of the most refreshing moments I've witnessed on Idol.

There is talk about the show's results being ethnically and racially biased. I don't understand that. It happens most every season around this time that some voters, not the contestants, become complacent and good folks go home. That is what the voting is in place for. Those with rabid fans, take the prize. This year, the contestants seem 'of the earth,' rooted, and at peace with themselves and their challengers. It is, once again, refreshing to see such a plethora of talent with open hearts and bigger brains!

Aaah Refreshing!


  1. AMEN!!! Be your own person. "Do not be conformed to this world." Romans 12:2
