Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sculpt Well

We hopefully learn from the mistakes we've made. If we're REALLY smart, we pay attention to the folks around us and learn BEFORE we make the mistakes. We grow and develop in direct relation to the helping and caring hands that reach out to us. Sometimes, we are anxious or cautious due to the hands that may have been reaching out to us, but not in such a positive manner. We grow bold or assertive because of the support of friends and family. We become timid and insecure because of the brashness and callousness of others.

Our words, our actions, our efforts directly effect a multitude of persons. Think about your words, your actions, and your efforts before applying them. Sometimes, being 'right' is not as important as saving the 'scraps of dignity' another person is clinging to.

Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known; and therefore original in my creation!

Remember to mold your neighbors, your friends, your children, and even your enemies with love, encouragement, care, and concern. They will become better people for it! Sculpt well, my friends. The art you create may come back to assist you one day!

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