Saturday, April 28, 2012

Simple Joys

The whirlwind that is my life seems to perhaps be slowing down a little.

Yesterday, after several months of neglecting my home, I took several hours to put it back together. I cleaned ~ a lot. Straightened things up and pretty much made it livable again!

Then, I spent several hours outside, tearing up bushes with hubby that we have disliked for about as long as we have lived here. Then, for another long while, we planted some new and exciting, pretty, and colorful items in their stead. We were VERY sweaty, VERY dirty, and VERY tired ~ but it was so much fun just being together. We laughed at all the drivers who never pay attention to the speed bump, bottom out, and then curse up a storm. We laughed at the incessant roots that never seemed to end and no matter how much we dug, and clipped, and chopped . . . there was always . . . one more. We jumped a little when a three-and-a-half foot black racer snake decided to let us know he didn't like that we were digging up his bushes. But found great joy when he actually slithered back and we allowed him to check out the fresh hole we dug for a new plant. He just wanted to know what we were doing.

From there, we enjoyed a delicious grilled Salmon dinner together laughing at our grumbling dog who has taken to being terrible vocal. After dinner, on a wild hair whim, we ran out for some Baskin Robbins ice cream. YUM! (Bad for me ~ but YUM!) And then home again to take "Grumbles" for a walk. Then hubby and I simply existed together, after a long, hard day, watching tv and holding hands.

Simple joys are everywhere. Far too often we skim right over them in the midst of daily mayhem. We neglect to absorb the beauty in nature, the freedoms we have, and the sheer brilliance of having found a fabulous best friend to share life with. I adore my simple joys!

Please, my friends, enjoy yours!

1 comment:

  1. Living in the moment. It's a wonderful thing when you find your self doing it. I wish I could do it more often
