Saturday, May 4, 2013

Soldier On

Every day, we are faced with a multitude of challenges. Everything from simply getting out of bed, to what to wear, to how to face a full schedule, to what's for dinner, helping with homework, paying bills, and a million things in between.

And then . . . there are those of us who face all of those challenges along with an illness.

Whether it is your own illness, or you are the caregiver for someone with an illness, the every day challenges are multiplied ten-fold. Simple tasks are not so simple. Little choices become monumental. Life can sometimes seem unbearable.

But . . .

You must Soldier On!

There is actually a video on YouTube called Soldier On by Penny Lane. If you can find it, watch it. It is about and for "Cure JM". This is the disease that robbed my son Miles of so many years. It is a brutally honest viewpoint of a family's struggle with the disease and things that the kids face. I cried the whole way through it. It truly is amazing and very well done.

Monday is "Wishbone Day". A day which brings awareness to Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle Bone Disease) and which has targeted a dear little friend of mine, Oliver. He has suffered much in his short little life, but he too must Soldier On.

My son works with a beautiful young lady who struggled through a brutal battle with cancer as a youngster. She is now a beaming, stunning, personable asset to the world. She did her part to Soldier On. She's fantastic!

So . . . if this offers some perspective on picking out an outfit or perhaps what to make for dinner, then good. If you are one of the few who has to face much more difficult decisions every day then please remember . . . chin up, knees down, and . . .

Soldier On!


  1. Amen, my sister!!! As David faced Goliath, these children face the enemy with courage and the power of God, which is immeasureable. Whether they conquer the enemy in this life, they are shining lights to us all. Truly, it puts everything in perspective. We sweat too much small stuff. Praying for you, Oliver and every child that faces the brutal battle of disease in this world. Press on, Oliver and others. God (Jesus) loves you and will see you through. Your life is an inspiration to us all---those who take the time to see and listen. God Bless you for sharing. We are soldier's in His army. Yes, soldier on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Beautifully and movingly written my anonymous friend! Thank you! We are all soldiers. Soldier On! God bless!
