Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Three C's

I try to abide by these as much as I can.

Calm, Cool, Consistent.

When things get all crazy and frenzied, your best course of action is NOT to jump in the rapids and try to swim upstream. It is, instead, to remain calm.

Take a deep breath. Look at the big picture. What can you REALISTICALLY do about the situation to alter its progression? Once you're leveled off, move forward.

While others are ranting and raving and losing their marbles . . . stay cool! Reacting to trouble is a bad thing. Responding is much better. Let the coolness get into your vertebrae! (One of my favorite movie lines!) Even if your blood is boiling inside, keep your cool on the outside. To assess, instead of obsess, is the smarter way to go.

Consistency is key!

I know so many people who completely unravel during hard or stressful times. I feel bad for them. They need to find an outlet, and other people's feelings is NOT the right choice. We all have full lives. We all have WAY too much to do. That is usually by our own doing. What we heap on our plates is almost always by our own hand. The key to successfully navigating your to-do list, is to remain consistent. Freaking out; reacting; spouting before scouting, is just NOT cool.

If you're unsure of something ~ ask.
If you need an answer ~ ask.
If you'd like some clarification ~ ask.

And then . . . move forward calmly, and coolly, in your even-keeled manner!

Calm, Cool, Consistent . . . sure beats crazy, confrontational, and calamity!

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