Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Get Naked

No! No! No!
Do not take that literally!

What I mean is to release all the facades.
Be yourself.
Your REAL self.

I was told a story yesterday of how a little down syndrome boy walked up to a friend of mine in a store and said, very quietly, "Jesus loves you." My friend, caught a little off guard, kneeled and said back to this child, "Jesus loves you, too." And, to her amazement . . . this child's whole personae changed as he beamingly said to her, sharing an enormous smile, "I know! I know!"

Let that innocence and belief come back to you.
We get so wrapped up in daily nonsense and gossip and order and parameters.
We need to get naked.
We need to lighten our loads, release the baggage we lug around, and take note of the simple joys and blessings around us.
We need to really see what truly matters; what we can change and what is out of our control.
We need to get naked.

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