Monday, April 21, 2014


Movie folks will understand the title, but for everyone else . . . basically, it just means to chill out, relax, unwind, de-stress, unclutter, and free yourself.

Hubby and I had yesterday off together. It was a beautiful Easter day and it was wonderful to celebrate THAT before moving on to anything else. He went to work out. I stayed home to work out. Afterward, we lounged and just enjoyed one another's company and the squeals and laughter of the neighbor children playing. In an effort to actually do something, he told me to get in the car. Off we went to who knows where. We ended up at the new Trader Joe's in Tampa and giggled our way through the entire store. We picked up a few things and then, saying that he forgot something, he ran back in and emerged with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me. Back home to watch the Rays and Lightning lose (although the hockey should have gone to overtime) and to dine on a sumptuous plate of steak and scallops and veggies. With a wee bit of energy left, we then took a nice long day's end stroll to see if we could spot some otters or, perhaps, the Easter bunny. Of course, there was much more laughter, hand-holding, exploring and . . . we did happen upon a bunny. What a spectacular day!

In reflection, we all need those sorts of days every now and again . . . or, if you're lucky, a few moments like that each day; . . . just a while to get away from the nonsense, the rat race, the absurdities of people and problems and life's antics.

I think I will strive for more days like yesterday.
Here's wishing the same for you.


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