Monday, September 26, 2011


In an attempt to shield ourselves from physical, mental, and emotional injuries; we develop FEAR. No one likes to be injured. No one enjoys nursing wounds, down time, or battling back from emotional scars. Instead of thinking of that effort as recovery, though, maybe ~ once again ~ change your perspective. Take that nursing, down time and battling as a workout! Know that you will emerge from the opposite end of this endeavor leaner, stronger, and more stable!

FEAR ~ Failure to Engage And its Repercussions

I loathed speaking in front of people. So, what did I do? I started a home-based party plan where I forced myself to stand in a stranger's living room for two to three hours and sell things to them. I was actually quite successful and ended up enjoying it quite a lot. I still would prefer NOT to get up in front of folks and talk, but now I know that I absolutely CAN do it!

I realize that I am aging (probably quicker than I'd like), but it doesn't stop me from taking on my 18 year old son on the racquetball courts. It certainly is rare that I win a game, but I can usually give him a run for his money. It is fantastic exercise and I enjoy seeing him beam with excitement at his victories. Would it be easier to play Scrabble with him and whoop him squarely? Sure, but I'd lose all the benefits of activity and the maternal joys of his enthusiasm.

I grew up with six brothers. I have five uncles on my mom's side of the family and only two aunts. There are more uncles on my dad's side. Most of my six brothers had hoards of buddies ~ all of the male species. In other words, I am extremely comfortable in the presence of the male gender. So, what am I doing currently? I am the president of one branch of a guild of about seven hundred people - 98% of which are women. I am working on my issues!

To shrink away from things we don't like, have concerns about, or harbor ill feelings of doesn't make you weak. But it certainly doesn't make you any stronger. It doesn't make you less of a person to take a safe route; but you will certainly not discover new and amazing things about yourself if you don't ever leave that route. Bad memories can cause disparaging reactions. If you don't force yourself to create new and better memories, that reaction will probably never change.

FEAR ~ Failure to Engage And its Repercussions

Change your perspective and your actions will follow.

FEAR - Find an End. Alter your Reality

The choice is yours!

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