Friday, September 9, 2011


Mrs. Lottridge was a rather interesting choral director back in Accord, New York, but she managed to pull some absolutely phenomenal talents out of some very normal, unassuming, rural kids.

One of my favorite memories of high school was chorus. It was filled with lots of fun and frivolity, but since my eldest brother had taken the stage in choir, I was mesmerized by the Christmas Concert constant of the Hallelujah Chorus. Not only is it just an incredible piece of music; very moving in its lyrics and musical capacity, but Mrs. Lottridge had construed this wonderful option every year at the concert. The Hallelujah Chorus was ALWAYS the last song of the evening. Prior to the piece, she would turn around to the audience and invite past choir members, parents, faculty, and any schlep off the street to come and join them and sing with them. When my brother, Cal, stood and sang this song on that stage that first year . . . I was hooked! I couldn't wait to get there!

I remember learning the alto and soprano parts so I could sing whichever one I wanted. I remember that each year, it seemed to be a tighter fit and more folks joined in. I remember the Beach girls singing that soprano piece and just having my jaw go slack. They sang amazingly! I remember Mr. Kelly in that deep, deep voice just booming through the auditorium. But as much as you could pick out certain voices during certain parts, the unity of ALL those people coming together was just absolutely beautiful! It gave me goosebumps the first time. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it now! And I remember my senior year, having folks packed on the stage, down the stairs, and hardly anyone left in their chairs. It was glorious!

King of kings, and Lord of lords,
And He shall reign,
And He shall reign forever and ever,
King of kings, forever and ever,
And Lord of lords,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

As we enter this solemn weekend together; facing flooding, wild fires, tropical activity, terrorist threats and our own personal trials; let us remember that although we lost so very many lives ten years ago, the days immediately following were as inspiring as any I've known in my near half-century of life. We all came together! We were ONE! There was not a house without an American flag on it, near it, or attached to it. The pride of patriotism ran thick in every vein across this great country. We were ONE! The toll was great . . . a single life is too many. But the total was truly minimal in comparison to the amount of people traffic normally moving through those sites. Our first responders, medical personnel, and everyday heroes shone like brilliant beacons of what this nation's people are all about. We are ONE! Mrs. Lottridge, funny how little things we create come full circle sometimes if only viewed in the right light! Be comforted, this weekend and always, knowing that HE is in control.

King of kings!
Lord of lords!
For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth!
H A L L E L U J A H ! ! !


  1. I recall being in choir for a year. I enjoyed singing but had no concept of reading music and had a case of stagefright as bad as anyone's. I remember having to do a solo of a tune called Edelweiss for Mrs. Lottridge. It was awful, I'm sure, but she sensed that I was nervous and somehow I got through it, and she complimented me on my good voice (Her hearing must have been off that day, lol). I dropped out of chorus later that year, after the Christmas presentation that you mention. One of the regrets of my life because later in my own story, music has become my guiding light and my comfort in so many ways. Thanks for sharing!

  2. full circle indeed.. it amazes me that these very lyrics radiate in my head when I need to hear something encouraging to relax my soul, not only do I hear the words, I also hear them in the tone of the RVC chorus..however before Beach girl days..more along the tones of earlier years of '75. Mrs Lotridge truly was a gem. Her love for music I believe allowed us to all walk away with grand memories even in an unbeknownst spiritual sense. What a grand chorus she leads today I am sure there are more then enough on her stage to sing these words:

    And He shall reign forever and ever,
    King of kings, forever and ever,
    And Lord of lords,
    Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

    We shall never forget this day of 9-11 for all those who sacrificed for us. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow... we shall carry the songs of love and peace in our hearts and bring forward every meaning of the word....
