“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” ~Lewis B. Smedes
Has anyone ever made you mad? Taken something from you? Hurt your feelings? Violated you either physically, mentally, or emotionally? Stolen your innocence? Broke your heart? Lied to you? Let you down? Gossipped about you? If you said no, I'm thinking you probably live in a cave or in the woods or in a bubble. These things are part of life. Sad as they are . . . they occur!
With each hurt, lie, and violation, we develop a chip that we place upon our shoulder. When we are let down, broken-hearted, and lied about, we build a little bit higher wall around us so those things don't happen again. The miracle you hold within yourself is the power to forgive.
Being a rather loud individual, and somewhat opinionated, I have often gotten myself into trouble. I speak my mind. I also trust very easily and try to help those in need. Those are wonderful things until someone takes advantage of those generosities. I have been hurt more times than I can count. Been lied to, let down, belittled, forlorn, talked about, and angered. And, when I was a little younger, I carried all those feelings around with me. My yoke, it seemed, was not of wood but of concrete. I became bitter, isolated, and indignant. I realized this was not good.
I learned, little by little, that forgiveness is an incredible tool. Worthy of wielding like a Samurai sword. And when I sliced through those chains that bound me, I felt a little freer, a little less distressed, and much more content. I found that I gravitated toward folks who did the same and we grew, as a group, and as individuals. This forgiveness stuff was great! To leave that baggage at the door was an epiphany of enlightenment.
Mind you . . . I do NOT forget! Etched upon that sword are life's lessons and the things and folks to be wary of. I do not engage in futile fighting and have learned to simply walk away from those whose opines differ too much from mine. I have forgiven those that have done me wrong and I have chosen to dismantle, at least a little, the wall of security that stood so high around me. To walk about, free of encumbrances like distaste, hate, and hurt, is to stroll amidst the gifts that abound around us. There is so much to see if we allow ourselves that opportunity.
Lighten your load today. Forgive, just a little today. Tomorrow, forgive a little more.
It is a joyous freedom to find!
To err is human. To forgive: divine.