Thursday, September 8, 2011

Share Happiness!

Wrapped in an embrace, you cannot help but feel secure! A hug is the shortest distance between friends!

Hugs are a tool of the heart! Hugs can convey a myriad of emotions. A hug can calm. A hug can support. A hug can tempt. A hug can confirm. A hug can say hello. A hug can prolong a goodbye . . . something us Rider folks are WAY too good at! A hug can share sadness. A hug can share elation. A hug can do all sorts of things.

The best part of hugs is that when you give one, it is next to impossible NOT to receive one in return. It is a reciprocal reverie of radiance! Rarely can one simple act do so much.

Do not squelch the hug. Don't savor them for only special moments. Given freely, the hug returns to you ten-fold and brings with it joy and stability. Hug! Hold! Share Happiness!

1 comment:

  1. Ummm... are hugs and squishes the same thing? Or is a too-strong hug a squish? I don't think a hug should end with a squishy sound...but they sure DO feel GOOD!
