Saturday, September 3, 2011


It was the first couple of days of 8th grade. I was very hesitant about entering advanced math. I knew, at the time, that I adored math but wasn't sure I'd be able to keep up with the likes of Timi, Paul, Frank, and others. So, in typical Lyn fashion, when the teacher posed the question, "Does anyone know what LINEAR means?" I boldly raised my hand. The teacher smiled, thrilled for such eager participation so early in the year, and said, "Yes, Miss Rider." Clear as day, I said, "More like me?" The entire class erupted into laughter. It kind of eased the tension, but the teacher didn't find it very funny.

And that little quip brings me to one of my favorite Ch-Angels.
My husband, Victor.

For about 22 years now, I have been by this man's side. He leads when he needs to. He follows when it's best. But most times, we walk together, side-by-side, through whatever storms life may throw at us or through beautiful moments of pure bliss. We play together. We work out together. We work together. We worry together. We share together. We laugh together. We cry together. We reminisce together. We sweat together. We hope together. We talk together. We raise absolutely amazing children together. We plan together. We love each other.

He stumbled over himself the first day he met me. I was dressed and coming from a modeling class to apply for a hostess position at his restaurant. He fought his other manager to open the door and interview me. And the first thing I saw, coming across that parking lot, were those incredibly deep dimples framing a perfectly inviting smile. The rest, as they say, is history.

He is my strength, my support, my teacher, my student, my playmate, my friend, my lover, my soul mate, and my life. One look into those warmest of brown eyes just makes me melt. He holds me together when I am falling apart. He keeps me focused when I am distracted. He makes me laugh when I am near to crying. He speaks one simple line and I fall in love all over again like some giddy high school sixteen year old.

He makes me want to be a better person. He takes my heart when he takes my hand; and he can hold them both forever. Life is not always a perfect little picnic; but with him as my constant companion, I am certain that we can do anything together.

He is my own sweet Victor-y.

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